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Someone dies from diabetes every 8 seconds, the truth about diabetes and its prevention!

Posted in: 2022-01-12

The pathogenesis of diabetes

1. Have a genetic history

Although many people like to regard hyperglycemia as a chronic disease that is not hereditary, and believe that as long as they pay attention to a healthy diet, they will not suffer from hyperglycemia. In fact, this is a misunderstanding, because hyperglycemia actually has a certain genetic probability. If parents have problems with blood sugar metabolism, their children may also suffer from hyperglycemia. Type I diabetes, in particular, is mostly related to genetic factors.

2. Genetic factors

The rate of type 1 diabetes among identical twins reaches 30% to 40%, suggesting that genetic factors play an important role in the onset of type 1 diabetes.

3. Environmental factors

Viral infections. Viruses known to be associated with the onset of type 1 diabetes include rubella virus, mumps virus, coxsackie virus, encephalomyocarditis virus, and cytomegalovirus. Enteroviruses have also attracted much attention in recent years.

4. Unscientific eating habits

This is easy to understand, because regularly eating foods with a high glycemic index is the direct cause of high blood sugar. Including but not limited to various foods containing artificial sugar, as well as foods high in carbohydrates, and foods high in fat. It can affect the stability of blood sugar to a great extent, causing blood sugar to spike, causing a series of harm to the body.

The current situation of diabetes in my country cannot be ignored

As living standards in our country become higher and higher, diabetes has become a very common chronic disease, and the incidence rate of diabetes is also increasing year by year.

  Every 8 seconds someone dies from diabetes;

  Every 5 minutes, a diabetic patient has a heart attack;

 Every 30 seconds someone has an amputation due to diabetes;

 90% of cases of type 2 diabetes can be prevented.

Data shows that the number of diabetic patients in China is as high as 130 million. Diabetes has become the primary factor in chronic kidney disease (CKD) in China. About 20%-40% of diabetic patients are complicated by chronic kidney disease. The risk of cardiorenal events in patients with comorbidities is significantly increased. Life expectancy The number has been significantly reduced, and the number of cases has increased rapidly in the past 10 years, becoming one of the public issues that seriously affects the health of Chinese people.

It is understood that diabetes has become an important cause of end-stage renal disease. The prevalence of diabetic kidney disease in patients with type II diabetes in my country is 20%-40%. The early symptoms of diabetic nephropathy are hidden and easily ignored, causing the kidney disease to unknowingly progress to the middle and late stages, causing irreversible consequences. This not only directly affects the prognosis and quality of life of diabetic patients, but also imposes a heavy economic burden on the country, patients and families due to its long treatment cycle and high cost.

diabetes prevention

To prevent diabetes, three lines of defense should be built. These three lines of defense are: primary prevention, establishing a correct concept of eating, and adopting a reasonable lifestyle, which can minimize the incidence of diabetes. Diabetes is a non-communicable disease. Although there are certain genetic factors for its occurrence, acquired life and environmental factors play a key role. It is now known that excessive calorie intake, obesity, and lack of exercise are the main important factors in the disease. Low in sugar, low in salt, low in fat, high in fiber and high in vitamins, it is the best dietary compatibility for preventing diabetes. Regular monitoring of weight is crucial to maintain normal weight over the long term.

Secondary prevention, regular blood glucose testing to detect asymptomatic diabetes as early as possible. Blood glucose measurement should be included as a routine physical examination item for middle-aged and elderly people. Even healthy people should still measure it regularly. If there are any clues of diabetes, such as abnormal skin sensation, sexual dysfunction, poor vision, polyuria, cataracts, etc., it is necessary to measure blood sugar in time to diagnose as early as possible and gain valuable time for early treatment. Blood lipids, blood pressure, and electrocardiogram should also be measured regularly, which are indirect indicators of blood sugar control.

Tertiary prevention aims to prevent and delay the occurrence and development of chronic complications of diabetes and reduce disability and mortality. People with diabetes are prone to other chronic diseases, and complications can easily lead to life-threatening complications. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen monitoring of chronic complications of diabetes to achieve early detection, early diagnosis, and early treatment of diabetes, which can often prevent the occurrence of complications and enable patients to Live a life close to normal for a long time. In short, we must develop good living habits, maintain a positive attitude, and scientifically prevent and treat diabetes!

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