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David Sinclair, co-director of the Center for the Biology of Aging at Harvard Medical School

Posted in: 2022-01-12

David Sinclair, co-director of the Center for the Biology of Aging at Harvard Medical School

In 2013, David Sinclair published an article in "Cell": After using NMN to increase NAD for a week, 22-month-old mice (equivalent to 60 years old in humans) were completely different from before, and 6-month-old mice (equivalent to 60 years old) Humans aged 20 years) have similar levels in key indicators such as mitochondrial homeostasis and muscle health.

Verify the role of NMN in repairing DNA damaged by space radiation and restoring skeletal muscle lost in weightlessness, NASA

Awarded twice in 2016 and 2018 to Professor David Sinclair, a leader in NMN research.

David himself was awarded the Order of Australia for his contribution to the field of anti-aging and was named one of Time's 50 Health Persons of the Year in 2018.

A 2016 study by Professor David Sinclair of Harvard Medical School found that mice equivalent to 70 years old in humans returned to a 20-year-old state after taking NMN for a week, and their life span was extended by 20%.

David Sinclair, co-director of the Center for Biology of Aging at Harvard Medical School, believes: NAD+ is the most important substance for maintaining the youthfulness of the human body and is also one of the essential molecules for maintaining life. Without it, a person will die within 30 seconds.

The following is an introduction to the efficacy of NMN by David Sinclair

  1. How NMN promotes muscle rejuvenation

2.The secret of life, the key to youth/aging/vitality/reverse aging? NAD+

3.David appeared to introduce the effects of NMN taken by his 80-year-old father? It will be a technology that changes the world.

4.Finally, David, a genetics expert from Harvard University, introduced the causes of human aging and the link to youth restoration.

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