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This website strives to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of the information, materials and other content posted on this website. This website may provide users with content and services from other websites through links on the website. This website does not control and assumes no responsibility for these websites or their content. When using the services provided by these websites, users should pay attention to the relevant regulations of these websites, and judge the possible results and risks to decide whether to use the content or services provided by these websites.

1. User information

When users browse the website, the website system automatically collects the user's IP address and website browsing information. This information helps us comprehensively evaluate how our website visitors and users use and navigate our website, including how many times, how often and for how long our visitors and users visit each page. By collecting the above information, we will conduct traffic statistics to improve the management and services of the website.


The information published on this website may not contain the latest information about kingmax and its business in the United States, and the company does not represent or guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information published on this website; related articles and materials reproduced on this website The opinions expressed or implied do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Commission. This website does not provide express or implied guarantees for all information, content and services provided by third parties on this website; this website is not responsible for any damage caused by the use of the above information, content and services, including direct and indirect damages.

3.Applicable law

This website (www.king-max.com) is operated and controlled by kingmax. We reserve the right to make changes to our website and the above disclaimer and terms at any time.

Customer service phone number

Hotline number

+1 (888) 870-0688

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Channel Cooperation