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Promote the incremental development of cross-border e-commerce business | Shenzhen Customs’ second batch of measures to stabilize foreign trade and foreign investment in 2021

Posted in: 2022-01-12


In order to continue to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on stabilizing foreign trade and foreign investment, deepen the reform of "decentralization, regulation and service", strive to cultivate and stimulate the vitality of market entities, and support the high-quality development of local foreign trade, in the "Shenzhen Customs 2021 First Batch On the basis of the regular implementation of the "List of Measures to Stabilize Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment", Shenzhen Customs is now rolling out the "Second Batch of List of Measures to Stabilize Foreign Trade and Stable Foreign Investment". details as follows:

1. Promote the incremental development of cross-border e-commerce business. The overseas warehouse registration process has been optimized. The Shenzhen Post Office and Customs will centrally accept registration applications to support cross-border e-commerce companies in expanding their overseas warehouse business.

2. Innovate the “co-insurance” model of tariff guarantee insurance. Establish a new guarantee mechanism of "enterprise application - bank deposit pledge - insurance company underwriting - customs acceptance" to ease the financial pressure on enterprises.

3. Promote intellectual property “pre-confirmation” services. For the import and export goods of production-type advanced certification enterprises, you can apply for "pre-confirmation right" to the customs at the entry and exit point before the actual import and export, and the on-site customs will handle it accordingly.

Picture source: Shenzhen Customs 12360

4. Simplify the export “ship change” operation. For ocean export customs declarations that change the actual means of transportation, after the company completes the manifest modification, the system will automatically modify the name of the means of transportation, voyage number, and bill of lading number in the declaration form, reducing the number of processing steps for the company.

5. Optimize the customs clearance model for imported frozen products. Improve the efficiency of machine inspections, support qualified third-party agencies to carry out preventive disinfection services at ports, increase the number of disinfection operations, and improve the efficiency of customs clearance of imported frozen products.

6. Optimize bulk grain import operations. For imported sorghum that meets the conditions and passes on-site quarantine, there is no need to wait for the inspection results, and conditions are allowed to be removed and transported to designated processing plants or designated storage warehouses. Grain stranded at the port is allowed to be unloaded directly onto barges and taken away immediately after passing inspection and quarantine.

7. Optimize the cabinet extraction mode for inbound plate inspection. Further reduce the number of hanging cabinet inspections, improve the efficiency of plate inspection and release, and facilitate customs clearance of incoming plates.

8. Speed up the safe clearance of special items. For special entry-exit items such as experimental cells, biological reagents, and COVID-19 vaccines that are declared to contain highly pathogenic microorganisms or require cold chain transportation, full-process customs clearance guidelines will be provided, and appointment inspection, priority inspection, and quick inspection and quick release will be implemented.

9. Increase efforts to promote the “Sea-Tietong” project. Relying on the Pingyan Railway, we will promote the "field-port linkage" between Sinotrans Pinghu Logistics Center and Yantian Port, and support goods imported and exported through Yantian Port to go through customs clearance and inspection procedures at Sinotrans Pinghu Logistics Center.

10. Expand the application fields of ERP supervision. Further expand the scope of ERP system docking to general trade supply chain enterprises and general trade manufacturing enterprises, implement online supervision, and reduce the impact of on-site supervision on enterprise production and operations.

Supplementary content: "Shenzhen Customs 28 Measures to Promote Cross-Border Trade Facilitation in 2021"

(Source: Shenzhen Customs, Shenzhen Customs 12360)

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