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good news! KINGMAX joins the

Posted in: 2022-01-12

On June 3rd, Beijing time, NPA (National Natural Nutrition Products Association, hereinafter referred to as "NPA") issued an NPA certificate to COMMAX Life Technology Co., Ltd., and COMMAX officially became an NPA member unit. The membership level is: production and sales supply. Supplier Manufacturer Broker Distributor Membership, member ID: 224341. The NPA stated that "Commax has a good reputation".

It is understood that NPA is the largest natural nutritional products association in the United States, with a history of 73 years. It is also an industry leader in Washington, D.C., with powerful lobbying power and an influential grassroots network at the national, state and local levels. As a leading voice in the natural products industry, its mission is to advocate for consumers’ right to products that maintain and improve their health, and for retailers and suppliers’ right to sell these products; its vision is to work to create a world for natural products Wider and more accessible markets, thereby improving the quality of life for consumers around the world. In a sense, the corporate visions of NPA and COMMAX are consistent.

The addition of COMMAX to NPA once again proves the high quality of all products under COMMAX, which are natural, nutritious and free of additives. It also demonstrates COMMAX's determination to focus wholeheartedly on the health and beauty of global consumers. Joining NPA means that you must abide by its corresponding ethical standards, which is undoubtedly an incentive for COMMAX. Combex is willing to work with NPA to contribute to the orderly development of the dietary supplement industry.

NPA Member Code of Ethics:

1. I will sell or supply nutritional foods, dietary supplements, and related products and services that may be helpful to consumers seeking to maintain or improve their health.

2. I will only sell products and services that are authentic and have legal labels.

3. I can only treat, diagnose or prescribe with legal permission.

4. I will only engage in legitimate business activities, including marketing and advertising that are truthful and non-misleading.

5. I will support individuals and organizations to increase nutritional information and enhance consumer rights.

6. I will be responsible and ethical in my relationships with customers, employees, peers, competitors, government, and neighbors.

7. In pursuing this Code and these goals, I will defend the First Amendment rights to free speech and the press, lawfully convey truthful information about diet and nutrition, and will defend consumers from their Health freedom rights to obtain such information from sources that may be chosen.

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