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The robot can see a doctor now! ChatGPT successfully diagnosed a strange illness in a 4-year-old boy, defeating 17 doctors

Posted in: 2023-12-17

A woman in the United States recently turned to the popular chatbot chat tool ChatGPT to successfully diagnose her 4-year-old son's rare disease, after 17 doctors failed to find the problem.

The woman’s name is Courtney. To protect her family’s privacy, she has not revealed her last name.

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Kourtney’s four-year-old son, Alex, started showing disturbing symptoms. He was in a lot of pain, chewing all sorts of things, and stopped growing.

In 2021, Alex’s left and right legs seemed to be unbalanced. “He would walk in front with his right foot and drag his left foot. "Courtney said.

. Over three years, Courtney took her son to 17 doctors, but no one seemed to be able to pinpoint exactly what was going on. After ChatGPT went viral, Courtney began thinking about using the artificial intelligence tool to figure out what was going on.

ChatGPT determined that Alex had a spinal cord abnormality, and it turned out to be correct.

Courtney said in an interview: "I looked at everything in his (MRI) record line by line and entered it ChatGPT. The final judgment of ChatGPT is "tethered cord syndrome", which is a neurological syndrome in which the spinal cord is attached to the tissue surrounding the spine.

Consider Turney joined a Facebook group for families of children with the syndrome and saw stories similar to Alex's.

Courtney spoke to ChatGPT was suggested during a meeting with a new neurosurgeon, who confirmed that the AI program was correct and determined the fixation position of Alex's spine via an MRI.

Alex recently underwent spinal repair surgery and is currently recovering.

It should be noted that while ChatGPT can diagnose some medical issues , but it can also generate false answers

Although ChatGPT helped Courtney confirm Alex's diagnosis, doctors still warned that ChatGPT could An error occurred.

Dr. Jesse Ehrenfeld, president of the American Medical Association, a major U.S. physician organization, said in a statement: "OpenAI's ChatGPT and other generative Artificial intelligence products currently have known problems and are not without errors."

One problem is that ChatGPT will make up answers - a process called " hallucination. The bot chat tool is also prone to simple calculation errors, such as inaccurately "solving" a Sudoku puzzle or miscalculating a BMI that was just calculated correctly.


Still, some doctors are impressed with the program's ability to diagnose disease.

Issac, a physician and computer scientist at Harvard University In his book The Artificial Intelligence Revolution in Medicine, Dr. Cohan tested the latest version of ChatGPT, GPT-4.

He wrote that the new version ChatGPT is probably better than many doctors he observed. It also answered more than 90% of USMLE questions correctly.

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